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Before buying replica bags, please note the 4 quality levels (2022 latest version)
Many buyers do not confirm the quality grade of replica bags before buying them, and many unscrupulous sellers often advertise that they have good sourcing channels to get the highest quality replica bags, which leads many buyers to get the bags and find that they are inconsistent with the pictures, or the quality is so poor that they can’t accept them, but they also face high international logistics costs for returns and exchanges, and finally they can only suffer in silence. This article will detail the 4 quality levels of replica bags and the rules of the replica bag industry to help buyers buy replica bags with the cheapest price and the highest quality level.
1 Replica bags quality level, each replica factory has its own standards
Some people will ask, really is real, fake is fake. Fake bags how there are so many quality grading? In fact, it is because of the imitation products, the QC procedures and procurement procedures of the imitation products are set by the imitation manufacturers themselves. So how many manufacturers are on the market, there are many kinds of quality grades.
Of course, replica bags manufacturers will adjust the cost and pricing of bag production according to market demand. For example, if the replica bags factory finds that customers in the market are more interested in replica bags under $300, then the factory will confirm the bag’s purchase cost and process method based on the cost of $150, which produces the quality level.
So, only replica bags have quality grade. Genuine products do not have quality grade, or genuine products have only 1 quality grade, that is the QC inspection procedure of genuine products, and the foundry will make them in bulk according to the quality grade required by the brand.
2 Replica Bags There are 4 main quality levels
After years of development in the market, buyers and sellers have reached a certain balance. The market has produced 4 bag quality grades.
– Low Grade
– Intermediate
– High grade
– Perfect Replica
Low level replica bags have the lowest price and the worst quality, with strong consumer demand in developing countries, such as India, Africa and South America. Low level replica designer bags are developed based on online pictures, with inconsistent versions and different materials and techniques. Prices are generally around $10-$50, using the lowest cost materials to minimize costs. Low-priced replica bags are like toys, as the price is also close to toys.
If you use low grade replica bags in Europe and the United States, most people can see at a glance is a fake, very embarrassing, it is better to buy ordinary bags.
Also, not all bags have 4 levels of replica bags. Only the most popular, the largest sales and the most classic styles are available, such as Louis Vuitton’s NeverFull series, Dior’s Lady series, Chanel’s CF series.
Many non-popular replica bags are only available in two levels, intermediate and premium, and some bags are only available in two levels, low and intermediate.
3 Aaa level replica bags belong to that quality level?
Aaa grade replica bags are generally referred to as intermediate or advanced, which refers to replica bags of good quality, but not the highest quality. aaa grade replica bags product quality is very ambiguous. There are often consumers who are duped and spend the price of a senior replica bag but get a mid-grade quality product.
4 What kind of replica bags have the best quality and cheap price?
Some people say that high priced replica bags are of good quality. Yes, this is generally true, because most expert sellers have a proven pricing method with a fixed percentage of profit. individual sellers on facebook. do not trust them, their pictures are not taken by themselves, but are beautiful pictures downloaded from the Internet, facebook. and instagrams m sellers will control hundreds or thousands of social accounts, and after completing the fraud, they Delete the account, the consumer will not receive the bag, and the seller can not be contacted.
High quality and low priced bags do exist on the market. Why is this phenomenon? The answer is: bulking. This is also the reason why Louis Vuitton replica bags sell the most.
Because of the high demand for LV bags in the market, factories will produce them first and then modify the process repeatedly based on consumer feedback until they reach a balance of quality and price.
Because LV replica bags are manufactured in bulk, the cost of each bag is spread low. From the workers’ proficiency, after the workers get used to LV’s manufacturing process, the skill level becomes more and more mature and the quality of the bags becomes higher and higher.
So the conclusion is, buy the most classic, the most popular, the largest sales of replica bags, can use the least money, to buy the best replica bags. www.Repbuy.ru is such a professional seller, doing both retail and wholesale, and has been selling since 2011, serving more than 6,000 customers and supporting global delivery.
5 Replica bags actually no quality level, are the sellers themselves made up
Why is the replica bags market confusing, because a variety of sellers are saying that their product quality is the best and belongs to the aaa level. The next thing you know, there are sellers who say that 5A level is the best. I have also heard of the 7A level, but sellers never say the criteria for these levels, because there is no standard either.
The standard is always in flux, the market needs what price what quality of the bag, the manufacturer will produce the corresponding quality and price of the bag.
So, in the future, do not believe in the standard of aaa or 5A or something, but look at the price. Intermediate quality bags are generally priced at about $200, and advanced ones at $300-400.
There are also many original replica bags and original single replica bags on the market, as well as factory-tailed replica bags. Consumers do not need to care about these terms, these names are made up by the sellers themselves, consumers just need to know that the quality of the bag is at least in the middle level.
If you want to buy a perfect replica bag, the price is relatively high, some even more than $1000, because the perfect replica bag quality and authentic consistent, the price also refers to the authentic.
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