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- Oct
Shebag 35% off plan
We are pleased to inform you that Shebag’s shopping website (www.cfbuy.ru ) has completed a major update, all our bag images have been updated and it is confirmed that all bags are of the highest grade in the replica market, as we are very strict about quality, which is Shebag’s commitment to our customers. Even so, we have a rigorous extended quality control process for each bag before it is shipped to ensure that your bag is in the best possible condition.
Shebag understands that our existing customers bring great value to us and therefore we must offer our existing customers more than enough benefits. Because Shebag insists on the highest quality, we want our customers to recommend Shebag to a friend, both you and your friend will receive a discount of up to 35% that will last for 1 year. This means you will be able to use the discount coupon to order all all bags up to 35% for the next 1 year. If you don’t find the right bag on our website, you can send us a picture and we will replenish the product in time.
Your discount code: Kelly4528
Take Kelly4528 for example, we have generated an exclusive discount coupon code Kelly4528 for you, the more times the code used, the higher the discount of this coupon will be, the maximum will reach 35%.
Shebag wholesale discount upgrade rules:
(Code can apply when Orders over 150 USD)
It should be noted that the discount is effective after the order is paid for.
The initial discount for Kelly4528 is 12% off.
If the Kelly4528 discount coupon is used 1 time by any customer, the coupon will be upgraded to 15% off and the discount will be 15% off for all subsequent orders for 1 year.
If the Kelly4528 coupon is used 2 times by any customer, the coupon will be upgraded to 20% off and the discount will be 20% off on all subsequent orders for 1 year.
If the Kelly4528 coupon is used 5 times by any customer, the coupon will be upgraded to 25% off and the discount will be 25% off on all subsequent orders for 1 year.
If the Kelly4528 coupon is used 15 times by any customer, the coupon will be upgraded to 30% off and the discount will be 30% off on all subsequent orders for 1 year.
If the Kelly4528 coupon is used 30 times by any customer, the coupon will be upgraded to 35% off and the discount will be 35% off on all subsequent orders for 1 year.
How to get a bigger discount? ——Take video and share your bag
You just need to let yourself or more family and friends use your exclusive coupons. Based on previous experience, shoot videos on Youtube、instagrams 、Tiktok、facebook. , share your shopping experience and share the discount coupon code. Of course, you can also verbally tell friends and family when discussing about designer bags.
How can I check the latest discount of my coupon?
At the beginning, the discount coupon is 12%. Once this coupon is used and payment is completed, we will send you an email with the latest discount strength and also how many more times you need to use it before the next discount upgrade.
Of course, you can always ask us via whatsapps and email.
Why does Shebag have 10000+ repeat customers?
- Shebag insists on the highest quality raw materials and the most sophisticated craftsmanship, quality is our lifeline
- Shebag insists on strict inspection and strives for product perfection
- Shebag insists on high discount, selling at wholesale price
- Shebag insists on fast service and good after-sales service
Thank you for your support! Repeat customers are Shebag’s greatest value!
We hope you become more and more fashionable and beautiful!
Start your wholesale discount upgrade campaign now!