Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

I have always felt that YSL replica bags are very suitable for young girls, there is no old fashioned of certain luxury goods, but also will not be controlled by the sense of design of big brand bags (many times because the design is too strong, it will lead to the feeling that we can not adapt to the bag, but be controlled by the bag), YSL replica bags style, texture and color are just right, low-key luxury has a temperament. This article will share 7 YSL replica bags that are worth getting.

1 YSL replica bags – NIKI

The first thing to introduce is the NIKI that can cause celebrities and instagrams m celebrities to compete to use and share. this bag is Saint Laurent in 2016 after the employment of Anthony Vaccarello creative director, the launch of the first masterpiece.

YSL Replica Bags Saint Laurent The main feature of this bag is that it is made of aged oil-waxed calfskin, and the leather is very soft.

Although it is a chain bag, but there is a section of leather at the shoulder for cushioning, so the burden on the shoulder is also smaller. The bag’s back method in addition to the shoulder, can also be stretched side. Whether it’s a coat, a suit, or simple jeans worn in autumn and winter, YSL bags go very well with them all!

The color is also very, if you are interested, you can go to the official website of SAINT LAURENT to see.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that the YSL LOGO on the NIKI is wrapped in leather, so there will be the possibility of peeling.

2 YSL replica bags-Manhattan

There is a bag more and more hot, is difficult not to be noticed Saint Laurent Manhattan bag, many stars are using. Originally taking the smoking style Saint Laurent launched a new bag type, I think is SAC DE JOUR deformed version, minus the handle, and the leather buckle replaced with a metal buckle.

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

3 YSL replica bags – KATE tassel bag

Simple YSL replica bags LOGO with chain, compared to the NIKI just introduced more on the elegant, temperament of the bag.

KATE series according to the classification of leather can be divided into three main models.

– Smooth leather

– Caviar pattern

– Crocodile embossed

Then the design with and without tassels and the color of the logo (gold or silver) to distinguish.

Caviar style than smooth leather scratch-resistant, even if there are skid marks can not be seen. Because the strap is all chain plus the bag itself is relatively stiff, the weight will seem heavier compared to the NIKI just introduced in the last one.

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

4 YSL replica bags – WOC chain envelope bag

WOC is also the abbreviation of Wallet On Chain, which is a purse with a chain. In addition to carrying it on your body, WOC can also be used as a clutch bag with the chain removed.

And SAINT LAURENT this WOC shape is like an envelope, so it is often called an envelope bag. Caviar pattern with V stitching and YSL logo, simple and stylish.

The bag comes with a card compartment, zipper compartment and so on. Plus now most of the time are using credit cards and cell phone payment, usually do not need too many things to go out, very suitable for carrying WOC small bag!

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

5 YSL replica bags – Sac De Jour organ bag

The Sac De Jour is the bag that Hedi Slimane launched when he took over Saint Laurent.

The biggest difference between the Sac De Jour and other bags is that the lines are very simple and dry, simple and understated shape, and it was favored by many actresses when it was first launched. Because of the simple and durable reason, to now is still YSL Replica Bags Saint Laurent very popular bag models.

A total of four sizes, in addition to handheld also comes with a strap can be carried diagonally or sideways. The zipper compartment in the bag can be removed, so the capacity is large. It is a good choice for shopping or commuting to work!

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

6 YSL replica bags – LOU CAMERA camera bag

If you feel that the SAINT LAURBT bag is too gorgeous or too formal, then the camera bag is definitely a good choice, high practicality, not only good and convenient, with a variety of styles are not inconsistent!

The same V stitching with the YSL logo, there are very many choices of colors, and there will also be some regional limited styles depending on the country.

The strap is adjustable, and the most special thing is that it comes with a full leather tassel, and the tassel is removable, so decide whether the tassel is there or not according to the mood or shape of the day.

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

7 YSL replica bags-CASSANDRA

This is a bag model launched in tribute to Cassandre who designed the YSL replica bag LOGO.

CASSANDRA the most special place of this bag is his way of opening. The clever thing is that the switch is on the logo of the YSL replica bag! Gently turn the L letter to open the bag, a little more freshness than other bags.

YSL Replica Bags Saint Laurent This bag is very simple overall, with a little retro feeling. Plus SAINT LAURENT’s bag CASSANDRA is the only single carry handle of the bag models. In addition to shoulder, side carry can also be hand-carried, allowing you to create a versatile style in different outfits.

CASSANDRA is mainly divided into two sizes, medium and small, medium is a little more formal, the advantage is that the long wallet can be put down; and small compared to the medium is with a little casual, lively feeling.

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

8 YSL replica bags – KAIA

This is the latest bag launched by SAINT LAURENT in 2020.

It is also the only bag used in SAINT LAURENT at the show.

Speaking of this YSL replica bags Saint Laurent this bag, I have to introduce the muse of this bag, now the popular supermodel KAIA GERBER.

KAIA GERBER’s street wear is often the object of many people’s study, and because of this reason, SAINT LAURENT launched this bag especially under the name of KAIA. And his mother, Cindy Crawford, was also one of SAINT LAURENT’s fans.

This time SAINT LAURENT back to the most simple retro design, simple YSL replica bags LOGO and smooth calfskin material, vegetable tanned leather technology, so that the leather surface remains in the most original state. And the previous YSL replica bags is different, the LOGO is half hanging design, is also to SAINT LAURENT brand concept “freedom” tribute.

Designer bags for young girls – 8 YSL Replica bags worth buying (2022 latest)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

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